Religious Debate
I read in todays 'Daily Mail' that a papyrus manuscript has been found and translanted and it's believed to be the Gospel according to Judas Iscariot. It shockingly depicts him as a nice person and says that by kissing Jesus, thus giving him up to the Roman Soldiers, he was fulfilling a devine purpose.As a good little Roman Catholic boy that I am I should be horified by this and truly disgusted at the idea that anyone could even publish this script let alone believe it. However books and other writings in the past years have made me believe that the Roman Catholic Church has gone to great lengths to make us see things from a certain point of view for many, many years. Books such as Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code (and other books like it - to cover myself legally!!) Have shown that, although they are 'based on fact' (in other words mainly fiction) there is enough distrust in what we have been told over the past 2000 years. But as my Catholic father said "Why does it matter, we'll never know the truth."And he's right. We never will until we get to Heaven or we get to Hell or indeed we get there and it doesn't exist. So it all rests on faith - blind faith at that. So all the religious scholars and people high up in the Church that are shocked at the publication don't truly know anymore than we do. It is really just their faith that is different.Some points that they should consider is this:-- If Judas hadn't given up Jesus to the soldiers where would we be now? Surely it is right that it was a divine purpose that he give Jesus up. Yes he took money for it, maybe that casts doubt on his true intention, but whatever his intention it was a necessary action. If Jesus hadn't been betrayed by Judas, how would he have been caught and died? God works in mysterious ways.
- If this book is true then how CAN it 'rock people's faith' and harm religion? It can only serve to strengthen people's beliefs if they have actual documented evidence. Yes it goes 'against' what has been believed but the Church has no right to deny it's followers the truth, surely that is what the Church purports to be about.
I read Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code with real interest and, maybe niavely, took it all as incredibly believable and seemed a lot more honest that the dogma of the Catholic teachings. I will, also, buy this book Judas The Secrets of Judas: The Story of the Misunderstood Disciple and His Lost Gospel when it is released as I believe in forming my own religious beliefs depending on what I can learn for myself. If we only ever believe one notion passed down from father to son to grandson and don't allow ourselves to question it and take on new information then we become very narrow minded indeed, I don't believe God created us to be that way, so I don't intend to live that way.
Next week... How a Catholic can believe in Evolution.