Monday, October 24, 2005

New Post

New Posts are always really difficult to start. They should either start with a major event in my life today or a major World event or a radical political opinion on something.
Mine doesn't.
>I went back to work after a week's holiday, so that wasn't particularly major. Hurricane/ tropical Storm/ Strong breeze Wilma is attacking Florida - I hope they're alright. And my only political opinion I can muster is - Tony Blair - isn't he annoying??

>I really should probably write more but I have no more to write. Maybe someday soon something exciting will happen for me to write about.

>I could review the Kaiser Chiefs concert on Saturday night I suppose - it was dead good. OR I could review the Ski and Snowboard Show on Saturday. That wasn't as good - well not worth £10 anyway.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Thank You all!!!

Thank You everyone for the lovely cards, presents, text and general love that I recieved on my birthday. It really meant a lot to me more than I can ever say.... ooh LOST is on. See Ya!

To Neil...

This is a special post for Neil who, despite the fact he read my blog for the first time last week, has already moaned at me for not updating it! The pressures I have to put up with!! But I'll tell you what I told him I was writing a post yesterday and the whole thing crashed so by then I couldnt be bothered to try again!

There You are, Neil - satisfied??

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My new home

Hello to you from my new home! I have now relocated my blog and DVD producing studio a whole 3 metres upwards into my bedroom. So I can now blog anytime day or night. Now I have no excuses. Except being unable to think what to write.

I could tell you about Ross Noble who we went to see on Friday night - he was sooooo funny. He really is a very talented and very funny man who thinks so far outside the box, I doubt if 'the box' really existed in a literal, physical sense he;d have no chance of even seeing it!!

That's all I done though - I ain't done nothing or nothing.

Good bye bye!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

67 not out

I have just got back from a half game of golf (9 holes rather than 18) and I think I did alright. Seeing as two months ago I had only ever been on a pitch and putt course I think that I pulled off some really good shots today. I'm not quite the standard of the greats - Tiger Woods, Colin Montgomerie and Paul Griffin. But for a beginner I'm not that bad!
The scores were:-
Jacob 67 strokes, Neil 43 strokes, Jon 42 strokes and Paul 41 strokes.
Not it may look, to some, that I won. But in Golf the LOWEST score wins!?! Wierd I know!! But seeing as a bunker added 10 strokes onto mine you can see that I was up there with the more experienced of the group.
Maybe I was onto something when I was on about the open.....

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Happy Birthday To You!

Here's a special Birthday Blog to Gregory Lee, one of the best friends I have and have ever had! Hope that you have as good a day as you deserve!!