Friday, January 27, 2006

It's Back.

Finally the Blog is back. I have been thinking about updating for the last 4-5 weeks, but just didn't want to really.
The whole 'Blog-gate scandal'from last year where I went over the top in my reaction to a friend's remarks and dragged another friend into it too. I have been scared that people were seeing this as my excuse/chance to bitch about all my friends. It's not that, I never set this blog up with that in mind. Despite popular belief I am not a nasty person, I don't think awful thoughts about you all and I'm not waiting for each of you to put a foot wrong so I can unleash my Blog-fury on you.
I did consider giving the whole blog up for this reason but I decided now not to. I am going to change how I do it though, this is going to become more of a group blog. So I want more comments from you lot, and suggests for what to put on here - websites to look at, things in the news etc. I'll leave that to you. So go ahead first comment now please:-