How Can a Catholic believe in "Evolution"?
Ok, it's two weeks late but here's my new post of religious defines evolution as
"1. A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. See synonyms at development.
2. The process of developing.
Gradual development.
3. Biology.
Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.
4. A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements."
So scientists tell us that that is what happens. Things change a bit, survive and then natural selection dictates that the crap ones die out. It's straight forward, it's probably true.
In my opinion the religion comes into the actual changing of the original organism. I don't feel that Science adequetly explains a lot of things properly and those unexplained things I, personally, put down to a supreme being. Before the Universe began there was nothing and then out of that nothing something appeared. This seems rather unresolved from a scientific standpoint, a standpoint that needs everything to have a specific meaning and purpose and every equation to have a beginning and an end. I believe that God is the supreme being that was there before the Universe began and that He is the influence behind the subtle changes made in generations of a species. Science is too perfect and Nature is too Beautiful for me to believe that a mind is not behind them both somewhere. I do not believe that a series of accidents or coincidences could create the wonder of the world that we live in.
Genesis tells us God made man from the dust of the Earth. He didn't. Genesis is a story based on what actually happened but in an easier-to-understand-when-you're-confused-by-technical-things-like-fire type way. It was an introductory story to get people heads around God making the Universe and everything. If it was an in depth account of day by day, year by year, century by century then the Bible would be hellishly long and would never have sold as many copies as it has. In the same way I don't believe that Roger Red Hat really did visit Billy Blue Hat and Jennifer Yellow Hat but I do still understand what it was telling me.
So God started with the smallest organism and slowly but surely started
adding them all together to make a larger organism and then sent different organisms in different directions guiding some to walk the Earth, some to swim in the seas and others to fly in the Skies. My theory also supports my view on Extra-Terrestrials as I believe that God didn't nessesarily start with us or stop with us. When He'd built a planet so beautiful why would he stop with just one, why not carry on and see if you can make the same or do better?
I'm not in the argumentative, essay writing mood so I'm going to stop there. If there's any huge holes in my theory or bits I've left unended please comment and i shall post more. Also If you have any other comments please make them - I won't flame you I've learnt a lesson there believe me. And I'm looking for a discussion topic for the next Blog too so any ideas for that please leave them. If you don't want to leave a name I'm happy for you be anonymous.
I expect a comment from you, Neil as I know you've been waiting for this post to pick apart my arguement.
Time is a property of the universe itself, therefore the concept of "before" did not exist prior to the beginning of the universe.
You might enjoy reading A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking - it explains the workings of the universe in laymans terms. It may be a scientific work, but it does not deny the possibility that a supreame being may have started it all - although it does place limits on his involvement after creation.
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